Around OECTA
December 2024
From Your Local Unit
President's Message
Hello and almost Merry Christmas to all.
We trust everyone is looking forward to a well-deserved and well-timed Christmas break.
As we reflect on 2024, let's carry gratitude for the many gifts in our lives.
The successful completion of our most recent bargaining cycle this year, brought some stability to our jobs and some financial blessings as well. However, the coming year will bring some uncertainty. The likelihood of a provincial election in the spring will set a tone for the coming years. The lack of investment in our public education system by this government should provide motivation for many to organize and mobilize to bring about necessary changes. A renewed investment in our students and in schools is vital for the success and stability of the system.
The office continues to call for meetings with respect to issues of health and safety, violence, open classes, as well as staffing and workplace conflict. We have been visiting staffs and listening directly to teachers’ concerns. In the new year we will open up our schedules again to staff reps to book a visit. This is the most effective way to get the feedback and input needed to guide our advocacy.
I would also like to encourage all teachers, permanent and occasional, to consider applying to attend this year’s Annual General Meeting in Toronto. The meeting takes place from March 10-13 and it’s during this meeting that the business and direction of your Association is debated and voted on. One of the best ways to strengthen our democracy, as an Association, is to participate in it. The application poster and link is in the newsletter below.
We want to acknowledge the contributions of teachers who have attended general meetings, served as Association and Health and Safety representatives, and volunteered on unit committees. Your dedication to these roles, in addition to your regular classroom responsibilities, is necessary and appreciated.
On behalf of the unit office, I would like to extend our warmest wishes to you and your families during this holiday season. We hope this time is filled with joy, peace, and relaxation. May the new year bring everyone good health, happiness, and continued success.
Merry Christmas and God bless.
Important Upcoming Dates
Merry Christmas From OECTA Hamilton-Wentworth
But, I'm Actually Sick
Negotiations are finally done, the ink barely dried, and yet the stage is already being set leading into the next round of bargaining, potentially with a government which has already exposed its contempt for public education and Teachers in the two previous two collective agreements. Once again, and all too predictably, Teachers are being maligned in the media, this time for accessing the benefits they bargained for in their collective agreement.
For those of you who follow the news cycles closely, you might already be aware of a recent article (article is paywalled - sorry!) headlining the Toronto Star respecting a troubling new practice emerging from some school Boards in Ontario. For those of you just reading about it for the first time here, in an effort to curb the use of sick leave provisions, school Boards in Toronto have turned to hiring private investigators to "sniff out" inappropriate use of these provisions, and then use those Teachers as an example to intimidate others who would seek access to their benefits in good faith. Let's be clear - impropriety in accessing the benefits of our collective agreement is never advocated for, nor condoned.
While the practice of surveillance has resulted in the termination of an undisclosed, though small, number of Teachers in Toronto, true abuse of the collective agreement is rare. Frankly, Teachers should not be criticized for accessing the provisions that allow them to recover and return to work healthy. Having Teachers at their best when they are in classrooms working with students should be a goal that we all share.
As per historic past practice, Teachers of Hamilton-Wentworth are advised to continue following the terms outlined in their collective agreement in order to access their benefits, and should not feel intimidated for doing so.
Barking Up the Wrong Tree
Can't we just go about doing our jobs for a couple of years without being dragged through the mud? Why the constant barrage of hating on Teachers?
A couple of reasons to offer. First, a well-timed news item dropped coincidental to other stories which are much more worthy of the spotlight is a time tested and true way to direct the attention of the public eye away from the bigger picture and onto a much smaller piece of the puzzle.
Surely, there are other areas of government spending upon which light should be cast, such as the threefold year-over-year increase in spending on predominantly self-adulating advertising (Auditor General's Review of Government Advertising, 2024) by the Ford government in 2024, reported to stand at $103.5 million. Or the billions wasted in handing over a cherished public space, Ontario Place, to a private company to develop and profit from.
While the government targets Teachers, they overlook far larger areas of wasteful spending. Is it fair to single out Teachers when millions are needlessly spent on self-promotion and billions unconscionably wasted on other fronts? Targeting Teachers is, quite frankly, barking up the wrong tree; a distraction from Ford's flagrant fumbling of taxpayer finances.
By the time the current news cycle concludes and a fresh new set of stories takes hold in the public consciousness, what lingers in the ether is rage toward, ultimately, a very small handful of unscrupulous Teachers, though the profession at large bears the brunt. Meanwhile, reports of questionable spending of enormous sums of taxpayer money goes by the wayside, any potential damage from the story having been all but nearly mitigated. It's a masterclass in public relations, and manipulation, to be sure. A little bit of panem et circences to distract from the real issues.
Batten the Hatches
A second reason to consider for the unabating onslaught against our profession is, of course, that the next round of collective bargaining is just around the corner. Shaping perspectives early on anchors attitudes in the court of public opinion, and can pull the wind from the sails of any future job-action which may be necessary. A tarnished impression of Teachers leading into negotiations will, undoubtedly, serve to undercut support received from the public in the collective bargaining process. In this regard, Teachers should expect these sorts of attacks to continue. There is no parley when bargaining with this government.
The seas ahead are shaping up to be rough ones. To be blunt, sick leave provisions of Teachers is the next target for Ford in the concerted effort to dismantle public education in Ontario in favour of an expansion of charter schools and a voucher system. Make no mistake about it - Doug Ford believes your sick leave provisions are too rich. Make no mistake about it - he's coming after them! To be certain, Teachers and publicly funded education in Ontario are carrying a large target. Batten the hatches. A foreboding storm is on the horizon.
The Road Ahead is Not Going to Damascus
Following a grueling 19 weeks of extended summer vacation, MPPs reconvened in Queens Park on October 21 to smash out a bit of work before dismissing on December 6 for a well-deserved 12 week winter break.
Upon their return on March 3, 2025, MPPs will set themselves to work on priorities other than education, such as a $100 billion tunnel (excluding inevitable cost overruns) and the giveaway of $3.2 billion cash-money in the form of $200 cheques for everyone in the Province, conveniently planned to land in bank account just prior to a widely predicted election in February or March. So, there's enough money to just give it away, but not to invest in education? Imagine the world of good that money could do were it properly invested into our schools. But it won't be.
Truth told, there is no Road to Damascus moment ahead for the Ford government with respect to investment in public education. If Ford truly cared about the quality of student education and the welfare of school staff, his government would focus on understanding and addressing why Teachers are reporting higher levels of stress and burnout than ever before. They would examine more deeply the alarming increase of violence and deterioration of mental health in schools, and then pony up the funding needed to meet the actual needs of students.
To be clear, what Teachers, students, and families are experiencing in schools right now isn't a bug. It is an intended consequence resulting from the planned defunding of public education, which at a per pupil level now stands at $1500 LESS per pupil per year when compared to funding levels of 2018. Through destabilization of the system, dissatisfaction is cultivated, and the public sentiment toward public education is shifted for the worse, ripening receptivity to widespread adoption of a privatized model. It is Ford's fait accompli on public education.
The choice made to not invest in the public's interest speaks to what can be expected on the road ahead for Teachers and public education under another Ford government. It will not be a primrose path lined with delicate petals, but one marred by thorns and thistles laid out strategically to undermine the system and ripen the conditions for privatization. Public education, and the Teachers who deliver it, remain a target for Ford and the coalescence of Conservatives across this country, and indeed across North America, who are calling for more "parent choice" or "school choice" (both phrases code for privatization) as they drive Ontario steadily toward their intended outcome of charter schools and vouchers in Ontario.
A Better Way Forward
It might seem like a gloomy time for Teachers and public education. But the seasoned veterans of the Teachers' lounge will be able to attest to the dark days of education in the late 1990s and early 2000s under Mike Harris' Conservative government. Things seemed bleak then, too. At the time, a crisis was created in education in order to worsen conditions in schools in an effort to drive the privatization agenda. Sound familiar?
Teachers of those days knew that what their students needed was a robust system of supports in schools. They saw a better way forward with a government which was willing to invest in its people, and a wellspring of political activism surged from within the profession to help rid Ontario of Mike Harris' failed "Common Sense Revolution."
The incoming government made public education a priority, and the results of the investment were realized as Ontario's education became truly world class, ranking consistently as one of the top jurisdictions in the developed world. The results from the 2018 PISA assessment, while certainly not a definitive objective measure of success, provide some insight into how Ontario stacked up against the world. Not too shabby! We did very well.
As we move into the new year, the Association's efforts to elect an education friendly government will ramp up. We will need all hands on deck to weather the storm ahead. It's not going to be easy work. It's not going to be short work. But, we've done it before, and we can do it again.
To help with organizing our collective effort, we are calling upon all our members to complete a brief survey, linked below. Your responses will be used to assist the unit in focusing campaign efforts where they are most needed. If you're ready to sign up for the cause, you will have an opportunity to do so within the survey.
Teachers know that investment into our public education system is an investment into the people and future of this province. "Is there anything left to us but to organize and fight?" Together, we can elect an education friendly government.
Solidarity forever.
AGM Callout
Experience OECTA at the Next Level: Attend the Annual General Meeting!
Each year, at March Break, delegates from across Ontario gather to shape the future of our Association. At the OECTA Annual General Meeting (AGM), you'll:
Participate in the democratic process: Debate resolutions, elect leaders, and contribute to crucial decisions that impact our profession.
Gain valuable insights: Hear reports, learn about key issues, and connect with educators from across the province.
Network and build relationships: Connect with colleagues and strengthen your professional network.
This is your chance to make a difference!
The AGM will take place in Toronto from March 7-10, 2025. This expense-paid opportunity is open to all permanent and occasional teachers in OECTA Hamilton-Wentworth.
Selection Guidelines:
Unit Executive Members
School Association Representatives
Local Committee Members
Members at Large
To apply click here or on the button below.
Submit your application by Friday, January 10, 2025 at 4:00 PM.
For more information, please contact the OECTA Hamilton-Wentworth office at 905-574-6483.
From the Social Committee
Another Eggcellent Breakfast With Santa Event
On Saturday December 14, OECTA-HW gathered as a community of Catholic Teachers to welcome the big man himself, Santa Claus, to town. Santa was gracious enough to take time from his very busy schedule to visit with each child in attendance to hear their Christmas wishes for 2024.
To mark the special moment, Pegasus Photography captured the magic with complementary photos for those in attendance - photos will be emailed to families shortly.
We encourage our members to consider Pegasus Photography for any future professional photography needs they may have. Check them out today, and a big thank you to Pegasus for their patronage in support of our annual Breakfast With Santa event.
Gratitude is also extended to Walter Luciani, for his very important North-Pole-Top-Secret involvement in our event. And finally, a special thank you to all the committee members who brought the event together - Anthony Salvatore, Sherrie Savelli, Anna Pyz, Erin O'Neill, Lori Bell, Lisa Fernandes, Paul Kiely, and Josh Mamer.
We look forward to planning and celebrating this event again next December.
Promotional Material
How to prepare for a safe winter road trip
Winter road trips offer breathtaking scenery, but conditions can sometimes be less than perfect. According to the National Collision Database, nearly 30 percent of collisions happen on wet, snowy, or icy roads in November, December, January, and February. Whether you're driving up to the cottage for a cozy weekend away or visiting family or friends in another city or province, be sure to keep these winter safety tips top of mind.
Read more at #OTIPUpdate
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From the Provincial Office
December Catholic Teacher Available Now
At a Glace
Kids Take Ontarians to School by Stephen Michalowicz
Learning From Diverse Voices by Yvonne Runstedler
Unite, Inspire, Uplift by the Provincial Status of Women Committee
Exploring the Galapagos Islands by Zaher Hachimi
Transforming Sustainable Classrooms by Jacqueline Whelan
Gifting Yourself by Michelle Despault
Mental Hygiene by Simon Dallimore
Signs of Hope by Simon Dallimore
Based on a True Story by Gian Marcon
Teachers as Leaders 2025
The event will take place at the Sheraton Parkway Toronto North Hotel & Suites in Richmond Hill on April 3-4, 2025.
This two-day, in-person event is designed to empower classroom teachers, at any point in their career, and provide them with the tools to engage with issues of importance to them as teachers and union members.
The conference theme, “Be the Change,” reflects the urgency of democratic engagement as teacher leaders, union members, and global citizens. This is part of our call to action to foster collective change, recognizing that we must all do our part as individuals to create positive change in our schools, our communities, and our province.
Participants will participate in a variety of workshops that interest them, on topics that include:
faith formation
accessibility, inclusion, diversity, and equity;
culturally responsive pedagogy;
effective communication;
maintaining professional boundaries;
mental health and wellness;
political advocacy and activism;
understanding your collective agreement;
your legal rights;
and more!
Stay in the Know - Get Regular Association Updates Through Text and Email
The Association has the ability to send text alerts to members to deliver important, exclusive, time-sensitive information on a variety of topics, including:
the upcoming provincial election
political action opportunities in your community
bargaining information
professional development opportunities and deadlines
information about upcoming Association events
Click on this link and follow the steps to provide your cellphone number to keep informed!
Your cellphone number will not be shared with any third party and will be used strictly for Association business. You will be able to opt-out of receiving the alerts at any time.
In addition to receiving information through text, members can provide their email to the Association's email collector to ensure that they don't miss one of our regularly circulated updates.
Add your email and cell phone number today!
Promotional Material
Important year-end financial planning deadlines and tips
As the year draws to a close, it’s a great time to review your financial situation and take advantage of year-end tax planning opportunities. With a little planning, you can maximize your savings, minimize your tax burden, and stay on track with your financial goals.
Here are a few key financial to-dos to consider:
Saving for your first home or your child’s education? Contribute to your First Home Savings Account and/or your child’s Registered Education Savings Plan before December 31 to maximize tax benefits and government grants.
Maximize any charitable donations. ‘Tis the season to give—so if you want to get a donation receipt (for this year) that you can claim on your tax return in the spring, be sure to give those charitable donations by December 31.
If inflation has you worried about hitting your retirement goals, you’re not alone. See if you’re on track to enjoy the retirement you want using this Pension Income Gap Calculator, and you could receive a $25 Amazon gift card*: Learn more:
For a comprehensive checklist of to-dos, check out this helpful resource:
Educators Financial Group has been offering financial planning and a wide selection of investing and lending products and services exclusively to education members and their families since 1975. It is this strong history that has enabled them to become the education community’s financial specialist — empowering educators to achieve their financial goals.