2SLGBTQ+ Allies
At a Glance:
Coming Soon!
Christmas Charities
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Coming Soon!
Health and Safety
At a Glance:
The Health and Safety Committee is composed of the OECTA members serving on their school's site-based Joint Health and Safety Committee. Governed by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, the JHSC in Ontario workplaces serves as the primary mechanism through which workers can have their concerns heard. Equal in power to the administrator co-chair, the OECTA Health and Safety Reps are crucial front-line advocates for all workers in the building, and are directly supported in their duties as prescribed in the Occupational Health and Safety Act by the OECTA-HW Health and Safety Advisor.
Members serving on their school's Joint Health and Safety Committee can expect, on average, the following time commitments:
Monthly Inspection and Reporting of Results
One half to one whole day, though the law affords as much time as is necessary to faithfully fulfill the duties prescribed in the law.
Quarterly Meetings
Four meetings per year; time required varies, though one hour per might be a reasonable expectation. Addtional time is needed to draft the minutes from the meeting.
Training and Certification
Initial certification requires 6 whole days of training spread out over the course of a school year.
Re-certification is required every 3 years through a 1 day refresher course.
Additional training opportunities may present as determined through Board and/or OECTA initiatives.
The execution of one's duties in the law may necessitate additional time investments on occasion.
Math Challenge
At a Glance:
Coming Soon!
Poetry and Prose Writing
At a Glance:
Coming Soon!
Political Action
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Coming Soon!
Professional Development
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Coming Soon!
Public Speaking
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Coming Soon!
Scripture Reading
At a Glance:
Coming Soon!