Around OECTA

June 2024

From Your Local Unit

President's Message

Hello Teachers of Hamilton-Wentworth. Happy almost July and Happy Summer.

We have made it through another year and what a year it has been. 

There have been successes and there have been challenges.

From a Provincial Association perspective we agreed to and ratified a new collective agreement which will see us through to the end of August 2026. We are still waiting on the arbitrator to rule on the outstanding central issues and this may still take some time. We await these rulings in order to recognize our owed salary adjustments. The timeline for this adjustment is still pending. In the meantime, many of you will be receiving money for the Bill 124 redress. This payment is due to be paid, by the board, on Thursday, July 25. Some details of this payment are included later in this newsletter. We would encourage everyone to spend some time reviewing your payout and verify your totals (current and updated salary grids are included below).  If you find there is a discrepancy, the first step would be to contact the payroll department at the board. They will be able to provide clarification. 

Our local unit has also ratified a new collective agreement by a 98.3% ‘yes’ vote. Your local bargaining team worked to secure improvements in many areas and address issues facing teachers of our unit. The team’s goal was to recognize a fair, negotiated settlement that was conscious of the allotted timelines.

The board budget and staffing process has been disappointing this year, to say the least.

There were a number of changes to the provincial funding model this year and it delayed some of the budget and staffing decisions. However, these decisions are STILL being finalized as of this writing. This is unacceptable. Decisions need to be made and staff need to be in place going into the summer. We appreciate the stress and frustration this has put on some of you and we want you to know that we share your feelings.

I want to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude to Alison, Paul, and Dina. Their dedication and hard work throughout the year have been truly inspiring. The unwavering commitment they show to our teachers is a constant source of strength and support. We are incredibly fortunate to have each of you at our unit office.

To our unit executive; your tireless advocacy brings critical issues to the forefront. You consistently go above and beyond, even when time is a precious commodity. Thank you for your dedication and the positive impact you make for our members. As well as our committee chairs and local committee members: Thank you for embodying the spirit of "teachers working for teachers." Your willingness to share your talents and expertise for the betterment of everyone is deeply appreciated.

We extend heartfelt best wishes to those retiring and stepping away from the classroom, both now and earlier this year. The impact you've had on your students and fellow educators is truly immeasurable. You should take immense pride in the countless lives you've touched and the legacy of knowledge you leave behind. Embrace your well-deserved retirement! While we'll miss your presence, we know exciting chapters await.

The unit office will be closed through the summer. Emails and voicemail will be monitored periodically. If there is an emergency, please contact the duty officer at the Provincial Office, at 1-800-268-7230. All non-pressing issues will be addressed when possible.

As we head into summer, I want to wish you all a summer filled with joy and rejuvenation. Whether you spend time with loved ones, explore new destinations, relax in your garden, or simply soak up the sun by the pool, embrace the opportunity to recharge and come back feeling refreshed and energized. 

God bless.


Important Upcoming Dates

Bill 124 Remedy

There have been questions regarding the Bill 124 redress and deductions. It should be pointed out that the following is for general information only. There are hundreds of different scenarios for teachers depending on your specific and sometimes unique pay circumstances.

For Bill 124 Payouts

Also of note, the board will be applying the annualized taxation method to Bill 124 retro payments. This system assesses your taxes for the entire year rather than one, very large payment. Given that everyone’s financial situation will vary, this could potentially result in a refund when your personal income tax return for 2024 is filed. Personal income taxes are very individual and it is best to speak with your financial or tax advisor about your personal situation. It would also be wise to plan for all potential tax outcomes for the 2024 filing period.

For your convenience, the OECTA-HW office has calculated the grids from 2019-2023 reflective of the Bill 124 remedy.  Please note that these figures are offered as a guide and should not be taken as the definitive grids.

Take some time to review your placement on the grid to help in determining whether the lump sum paid to you on July 25 is accurate.  If any issues arise, please reach out to for futher assistance.

Thinking About September

The long days of summer are here, and the last thing on the minds of Teachers is the upcoming school year.  Rightly so, Teachers need time to step back from their roles to expunge the year that was, refresh themselves, and be prepared to step into September ready to take on new challenges. Without minimizing the importance of the summer break for Teachers, consider the following Articles from our unit by-laws for which forward thinking will be helpful in setting the stage for the start of school year 2024-2025.

Association Representative Elections

Often referred to as the "Staff Rep" and "the eyes and ears of the building," the Association Representative is a volunteer member who acts as a local representative for OECTA within their school. Roles may include answering member questions; helping members deal with issues concerning their administrators, colleagues, students, and parents; distributing OECTA unit and Provincial Office materials; bringing teachers’ concerns back to the unit executive; and acting as a witness/recorder if asked to attend a meeting with a colleague and the principal or vice-principal. Serving as an Association Representative is also a good stepping stone for learning about OECTA, and can help in developing valuable leadership and advocacy skills that benefit both the Association and the Teachers in your school.

To learn more about the role of Association Representative, consider the information contained in these links. And, of course, questions can be directed to the unit office. 

Article of the OECTA-HW Bylaws calls for the election of a school's Association Representative in June, if possible, and no later than  September 15.  The name of the successful candidate should be forwarded to as soon as it is known. In many schools, the position may be acclaimed. In a situation where there are multiple candidates, it is advised that the unit office be consulted for guidance on the procedures and timing of the election.

Please note that eligible voters in any such election includes only those teachers who are known to be on staff in the upcoming 2024-2025 school year.  Please contact the office if questions arise.

Did you know? You may be eligible for an auto insurance discount if you’re retired. Learn more: #OTIPUpdate

Committee Budget Requests

Each year, the Finance Committee meets in August to discuss and establish spending priorities for the upcoming school year. However, to ensure a smooth process, OECTA-HW Bylaw 6.1.6 requires all committee chairs to submit a tentative program and budget request in writing to the executive by June 30th. This request becomes the foundation for the Finance Committee's discussions in August. Therefore, any committee seeking additional funding should present a formalized request to the executive by June 30th. This request should clearly identify areas where more funding is demonstrably needed and provide a rationale for each increase. 

Promotional Material

Money 101: how to make the most of a lump sum cash flow boost (including Bill 124 remedy payments)

Regardless of where you are on the pay grid, it’s important to make every dollar count, especially in today’s economy. So, if you’ve recently come into an inheritance or received a settlement through the Bill 124 remedy, here are 5 ways to maximize every dollar so that you can achieve your financial goals faster:

Brought to you by Educators Financial Group. Trusted by over 16,000 education members and their families to meet their financial goals. Book your complimentary consultation today:

Health and Safety Corner

High Temperature Guidelines


The heat is on,

on the streets,

inside your head,

in your classrooms. 


<cue saxophone solo and questionable 80s hairstyles> 

Okay, admittedly, it's not quite as catchy as the Glenn Frey classic, circa 1984, of Beverly Hills Cop fame. But for some of our members, and for many of our colleagues over at ETFO, OSSTF, and AEFO, the heat truly has been on in their classrooms, resulting in conditions preclusive to effective teaching and learning.  In schools lacking centralized A/C systems, or where maintenance issues have arisen, relief from the oppressively dank air can be hard to come by, and  the perennial issue of upper temperature limits in the workplace is brought to the forefront once more. 

The Heat is On: Records are Falling

With year after year of record heat being observed globally, the impetus to introduce regulations to protect workers from heat stress is stronger than ever. Indeed, the ten hottest years on record have occurred in the past ten years, 2023 having been, by far, the hottest of them all. More soberingly, 2024 currently stands the odds-on favourite to dethrone 2023 for that ominous title.  

Unfortunately, more of the same is predicted on the climate path aheadClearly, the time for forward thinking is now: the global climate crisis is already upon us, and the urgency, not to mention sensibility, to establish clear guidelines to protect workers from excessive heat is undeniable. 

Ten Hottest Years (1850-2023)

NASA: Record High Global Temperatures Observed 

No Prescribed Upper Limit

In Ontario, it is important to note that while there is a lower temperature limit of 18 Celsius in workplaces which are normally heated, such as schools (O. Reg 851), no upper limit exists in legislation or regulation. Though it is true that employers still bear the general duty to take every precaution reasonable in the circumstances for the protection of a worker, the lack of specific language in connection to an upper limit leaves the door open to interpretation and introduces "grey zones" where measures to be taken in high heat events are categorized more as recommendations - things an employer might try if they're feeling benevolent - and less as requirements

On that vein, when Environment Canada issues a humidex advisory (air temperature over 30 Celsius, humidex over 40°C), the HWCDSB Extreme Temperature Guideline offers recommended responses to help mitigate the impacts to workers and students in schools. Members are invited to acquaint themselves with the guidelines, and refer to them if faced with conditions of high heat in their working environment.

Sweltering classrooms pose a direct threat to student and teacher well-being.  Heat stress can lead to a domino effect, starting with decreased focus and concentration, then progressing to irritability and headaches, and potentially cascading toward much more serious health impacts if left to progress. These factors can disrupt classroom management and hinder learning.  Ultimately, excessive heat can create a safety hazard, increasing the risk of heat-related illnesses for both students and educators.

Heat Stress Effects


Heat Stress Warning Signs


Turning Up the Heat on Policymakers

Is anything being done to move the needle on this issue?  Most certainly.  Advocacy on the matter has been ongoing, albeit the progress made remains slow. The Provincial Working Group on Health and Safety reports having held consultations with the the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development on proposed changes to the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) and Regulations related to workplace temperatures. The Ministry, however,  has taken no follow-up action or made any announcements of its intention to do so.  

The Provincial Working Group on Health and Safety has also developed a number of resources to help Teachers who find themselves hot and bothered.  When faced with stifling temperatures, members should familiarize themselves with resources made available to them which offer guidelines to mitigate the circumstances of oppressive heat. Please find those resources, among a couple others, below. 

"Is there anything I can do to help out?" Great question.  Members are encouraged to throw their support behind the OFL Heat Is On Campaign, which is aiming to raise the profile of the issue in an attempt to cajole the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development of Ontario toward implementing changes to the OHSA and/or regulations respecting temperatures in Ontario workplaces. Visit the link provided below to learn more and lend your voice to this important advocacy work for all workers in Ontario.  


OFL: The Heat Is On Campaign

Visit the campaign website to add your name to the growing list of concerned citizens who are seeking increased protections for workers against heat stress. While there, browse from among several valuable resources which will educate you on the issue of heat stress in the workplace. Among those resources is the OHCOW Heat Stress Toolkit which offers literature, calculators, infographics, and more. Check it out today!

From the Provincial Office

Summer Learning Institutes

Summer Learning Institutes are FREE, full-day virtual sessions scheduled on weekdays from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Participants can expect to engage in meaningful learning and dialogue, and to come away with practical resources and classroom ready supports for the upcoming school year.

Registration is now open. Space is limited and is available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Any questions regarding Learning Institutes can be emailed to:

Upcoming Sessions

Diving Into Junior Math

Grades 4-6

Are you new to teaching Mathematics gr. 4-6? Interested in learning more about building a community of math learners? Eager to explore and discuss original, creative ways to engage in math junior learning? 

Join us in this one-day learning session which will focus on:

Opportunities to experience practical math tasks designed to be integrated into classroom practice will be included.

Tuesday July 9, 2024          9:30am - 3:30pm          REGISTER NOW

Diving Into Intermediate Math

Grades 7-8

Are you new to teaching Mathematics gr. 7 & 8? Interested in learning more about building a community of math learners? Eager to explore and discuss original, creative ways to engage in intermediate math learning?

Join us in this one-day learning session which will focus on:

Opportunities to experience practical math tasks designed to be integrated into classroom practice will be included.

Wednesday July 10, 2024 9:30am - 3:30pm          REGISTER NOW

Tech Tools in the Classroom (Session #1)

All Teachers

This hands-on session will explore a variety of tech tools (both free and fee for service) that can be integrated into the classroom to provide a value-added learning experience for students. Tech tools include:

Thursday July 11, 2024 9:30am - 3:30pm          REGISTER NOW

Diving Into Kindergarten Math

Kindergarten Teachers

During this one-day learning session participants will have an opportunity to dive deeper into the Kindergarten Program with a focus on supporting mathematics. Participants will engage in learning about pedagogical documentation to inform assessment for and as learning, take back ready-to-use ideas to support math learning through culturally relevant learning opportunities throughout the day, share resources and activities to use in the classroom and connect and learn with other educators in Catholic boards across the province.

Tuesday August 13, 2024 9:30am - 3:30pm          REGISTER NOW

Diving Into Primary Math

Grades 1-3

During this one-day learning session participants will have an opportunity to dive deeper into the 2020 Math Curriculum with a particular focus on Grades 1-3.  Participants will engage in learning about assessment for and as learning to inform instruction and planning, take back ready-to-use ideas to support math learning through culturally relevant learning opportunities, share resources and activities to use in the classroom and connect and learn with other educators in Catholic boards across the province.

Tuesday August 14, 2024 9:30am - 3:30pm          REGISTER NOW

Tech Tools in the Classroom (Session #2)

All Teachers

This hands-on session will explore a variety of tech tools (both free and fee for service) that can be integrated into the classroom to provide a value-added learning experience for students. Tech tools include:

Thursday August 15, 2024 9:30am - 3:30pm          REGISTER NOW

Equity and Inclusion Foundations

All Teachers

In this session, participants will explore the bedrock of equity within the educational system. Expect to engage in a reflective day of learning, unpacking your individual power and privilege, while sharpening your understanding of key concepts in the work of Equity & Inclusion. Together, we will delve into the intricate web of systemic barriers affecting students with equity-deserving identities at organizational, intrapersonal, and interpersonal levels. Drawing from the three pillars of Culturally Responsive and Relevant pedagogy, we will examine our own competencies and capacities as responsive Catholic educators to foster learning environments where every student feels valued and supported.

Tuesday August 20, 2024 9:30am - 3:30pm          REGISTER NOW

French as a Second Language

Grades 4-6

This junior division session will engage participants in deconstructing the planning process in a learning cycle including activities for student engagement and assessment. Participants will focus on developing authentic, action-oriented tasks with opportunity to explore cross curricular examples. Participants can expect to:

Wednesday August 21, 2024 9:30am - 3:30pm          REGISTER NOW

How to be a Responsive Educator

All Teachers

This session will focus on the importance of representation and providing content to students that is reflective and responsive to their needs and lived experiences. In addition to examining the dangers of trauma and deficit representation, participants will also learn about the importance of content warnings and honouring the dignity of all students. Participants will be left with a range of instructional strategies that are rooted in the philosophy of CRRP to support content that centers accessibility, inclusion, diversity and equity.

Wednesday August 21, 2024 9:30am - 3:30pm         REGISTER NOW

Tech Tools in the Classrooms (Session #3)

All Teachers

This hands-on session will explore a variety of tech tools (both free and fee for service) that can be integrated into the classroom to provide a value-added learning experience for students. Tech tools include:

Thursday August 22, 2024 9:30am - 3:30pm          REGISTER NOW

The Complexities of Culture

All Teachers

The learning in this session is based on Zaretta L. Hammond's framework for understanding the multifaceted nature of culture adapted from her 2014 book, "Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain." The session will explore the multiple layers of culture: surface, shallow, and deep, and contextualize the various ways that culture presents in our classrooms, school communities, and system levels. By exploring concepts like Individualism and Collectivism, participants gain a greater understanding of how culture can shape the identities of the students and families they interact and engage with. The session also examines the culture of oppression that exists within the system of education and asks participants to reflect on and identify the ways in which educators uphold systems of domination such as white supremacy, colonialism and patriarchy through policies, procedures, and pedagogy. Participants will be challenged to disrupt their own cultural understandings in efforts to decolonize the system of education.

Thursday August 22, 2024 9:30am - 3:30pm          REGISTER NOW

The Toronto Blue Jays are offering a discount to teachers and education workers for the 2024 season!

How to Access the Discount

Step 1 – Click   HERE   to access the teachers and education workers special offer.

Step 2 – Click on the Buy Tickets button.  All eligible games are listed, and the discount has been automatically applied.

Step 3 – Use your school board email address when purchasing to verify your status as a teacher.

Step 4 – Enjoy the game! 

Additional Offer Details

Promotional Material

What you need to know about driving with pets and auto insurance

“Sustainable”. “Green”. “Ethical”. “Responsible”.

It’s not unusual to spot a dog’s head or nose sticking out of the window of a passing car – having the wind blow through their fur and taking in all sorts of scents. It can be an exhilarating experience, and it’s no wonder they enjoy it.

On the other hand, a driver caught with a dog in their lap may be in for an expensive surprise. According to the Ontario Provincial Police, there isn’t a specific charge for having a dog in your lap, but it could be considered a crowding the driver’s seat charge.

Read more at #OTIPUpdate
